Thursday, September 17, 2009

Intro to All Game Review

Hello Everyone,

This is my first ever post, not only for this site, but anywhere on the world wide web. As I add to this blog I hope you can find information that is enjoyable and a little helpful to you about the world of video games. I have played a lot over the years, but no more than any casual gamer. I don't have much professional knowledge, so don't expect to hear about games here first that no one else has heard about, but instead I will post about games that are out now, that are coming out in the near future and that I have either played a demo of or can't wait for it to come out. Also about games of old that many have played and maybe have a funny or interesting story to tell. Please feel free to post whenever you like, but I will edit post for content if they get out of line. The major console I have is a PS3 and I also have a PS2. I have played every console from the original NES, to Super NES, all the way to the Wii, and the XBOX. I have family members that play computer games, but that isn't really my thing so there probably won't be a lot of posts on them unless there is a great demand. As we go along with this project, hopefully I can help people at least share their interest of games and even maybe help people with getting a significant loved one to join in on the fun of gaming (Lord knows I have tried with mine and I have come a long way!). Well anyway, enough of me ranting and let the games begin. Thanks for the interest.

P.S. I have added links to two game websites that I use when I am looking for help on games, hopefully they can help you out too. I will add more as I find/ remember them.


  1. In your post you mention that you are a long time gamer but that you don't play computer games. I am a beginner and very interested in making it a hobby; however, I am not familiar with "gamer" jargon, can you explain what the difference is between being a gamer and playing computer games?

  2. For me a gamer is someone who plays video games ingeneral, such as console (XBox, PS3, Wii) or computer games. Personally, I don't like many computer games because of the many cheap tactics of other players that hack the game and give themselves an unfair advantage. I consider anyone who plays any type of game a gamer. Hope that helps with the confusion, please let me know if you have any other questions.

  3. I really should have chosen this blog to start commenting on weeks ago. I like your idea for a blog, for I too am a gamer. Gaming was the reason I got into graphic design in the first place. I am looking forward to see what you have to say in future posts and you will be hearing more from me soon.
